Saturday, November 15, 2014

Railroad Graffiti


  1. I personally don't like it when they put graffiti where it doesn't belong (like rail cars). But that train must have been standing there for long time, if they managed to complete the graffiti on the whole wagon.

  2. Although most graffiti is an eyesore, for some reason, this one works well. These photos are excellent. The colors really work well and the image is really sharp. Very nice work!

  3. I didn't even realize that it was a train at first.

  4. Sorry, Taken, I am in the camp that thinks vandals who deface things that don't belong to them should spend time in an unpleasant place on a diet of gruel and water.

  5. Just can't get away from that stuff. Years ago, many years ago, when I was young and stupider, I worked in a train yard in Minneapolis. The trains then were covered with graffiti. By the way, that was a terrible job and I quit after a short time!

  6. Have you noticed that only freight trains have graffiti? Passenger trains seem to be exempt. I am with everyone else that graffiti is unacceptable.... but it does make for fun photos.

    1. Passenger trains? What are they? Haven't seen one in years. Didn't know they still exist.
