Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Closed for Renovations


  1. Okay... so how does one go about renovating a canyon? ;)

  2. I would also like to know what they are renovating? :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. My question...what canyon? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. This canyon is Seven Falls in Colorado Springs. The road was washed out during heavy rains. It did considerable damage in this canyon and along old Gold Camp trail. Travel into the these canyons is no longer safe.

  5. That is a pretty funny sign. It appears from your comment above that the problem is that some unexpected renovations were accomplished by that great renovator, Mother Nature.

  6. Renovating the canyon?

    frankly my dear

  7. About your questions:1) Yes, it's a mast of a boat on BW pic on my blog .2)"Last crane" : till the 80ies, my town and the harbor were very merchant , and a lot of goods were transported . Then, things changed and the harbor was used mainly for cruise and private small boats. So most of cranes were distroyed, because they were not useful anymore . People around had to fight to keep at last one crane as a memory of the great trade past times .As you see, we won .

  8. Canyons aren't what they used to be... (I have never see one in my life!)

  9. I guess even 'the most beautiful' can use a bit of a facelift from time to time!
