Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jens Voigt At Speed

This race is the USA Pro Challenge. It is a week long stage race through the Colorado mountains.  Here Jens has a 45 second lead in the circuit race in Colorado Springs with only 5K to the finish. He was caught just one kilometer from the finish and crossed the line in 61st place. Bike racing is exciting to watch, but can be a cruel sport. Jens Voigt's long and illustrious bike racing career ends this next Sunday.  He rides for Team Trek. 


  1. You photo does a great job of conveying the speed of these racers. Nice work in keeping the rider sharp while effectively blurring the background. I haven't mastered that technique yet.

    1. Ed, I wish I could say it was a "technique". It was more luck. Took many shots at 250th of a second which was too slow to get sharp photos. They move amazingly fast.

  2. That is a great shot! You captured the motion wonderfully.

  3. I just finished reading a great article about him in our Globe & Mail newspaper! Timely post.

  4. Pretty good panning, Taken. It must be hard to capture these guys as they hurtle past in a blink of an eye.
