Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bicycle Reflections


  1. Many bikes and even more reflections...

  2. Very cool image! I love photo of reflections.

  3. warm memories sparked by a shop window of bikes!

  4. This is fun. It is hard to figure out which bikes are where.

    I liked your comment about how rare it is to find an employed philosopher. But, your comment about "another in your series of fine portraits" did touch on a subject that I occasionally struggle with. If I end up with bland or mediocre photos of an interesting subject, should I accept a lower standard than I prefer just so I can introduce and tell a story about that interesting person? That is what I did today with Larry (tough light and shadow, so his face is too dark and some background is blown out). Yesterday I showed Live even though there were dumpsters in the background. I have decided that I will go with the interesting people and accept photos with flaws, but I do kick myself for blowing the photo.

    (Thx for bearing with my musings . . . )

  5. What a variety of bikes reflected in that window.

  6. 'Tour de France' eat your heart out.

  7. Can't tell if they are inside or out, cool!
