Monday, February 24, 2014

Sun Dog and T. Rex in Snow


  1. Hmmm! That's not something you see everyday TFG.. Is it outside a museum ?

    1. That building use to be the Middle School, but is now the Children's Museum. T. Rex is animated; roars, looks down, blinks, and wags his tail if someone walks past him.

  2. It doesn't look like they feed that T-rex. He looks a little thin to me.

    1. Think this T. Rex has had a hard winter with few meals coming his way. It's been too cold.

  3. BTW, sun dogs are only seen when temperatures are below zero. The humidity in the air freezes into ice crystals that refract sunlight into colored patterns on each side of the sun.

  4. We call sun dogs cani solari, which is the same as in English, but I have never seen one. I have seen plenty of T-Rex, obviously all fakes...

  5. T-Rex is going through another ice age there :D Love the warm reflections of the sun in the snow though.,

  6. I like sun dogs (okay I like rainbows and halos and and ... ). The German name is a prosaic and lame "Nebensonne" (from the Greek para helios) - so usually I say "Sonnenhund" which is a literally translation from sundog. And nobody knows what I am talking about ;-)

  7. The light in the ornamental grasses *almost* looks as though it could be a cloud of T-Rex breath fogging in the cold.

  8. I have wanted a carved wooden life-sized bear for my house for many years, but so far I have not had a yearning for a T-Rex.
