Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sledding Hill Sign


  1. Growing up, my house was at the top of one of the two best hills in town. Back then, I didn't mind running outside and jumping on a sled. These days? I would rather have them as memories than as experiences.

  2. At least the bales would stop you! Earlier this week I drove by the hill we went to as kids and it brought back so many fun memories.

  3. Looks like a great sledding hill. Great barriers at the end!


  4. I remember how much I used to enjoy sledding! But that was a long, long time ago. Now, I prefer golf. Hopefully, the blizzards will stop soon. I saw your comment above and I agree - it's fun going down on a sled, not so much fun trekking back uphill.

  5. Looks like no one wants to risk sledding.

  6. it looks like you'd catch some air at the bottom!

  7. I enjoyed that as a kid, but now I guess my weight would be a problem also in the safest conditions..

  8. Reminds me my childhood in Ontario where the snow made it a kid's wonderland...:)
