Sunday, February 16, 2014

Frozen Sioux Falls


  1. Beautiful pictures! I like the way the sunlight is hitting that little building.

  2. Unbelievable images in this and last post TFG, can't imagine that degree of cold!

  3. Brrr... I would not be a fish there...

  4. Oh my, how I miss the falls! I always loved my photo walks in and around Falls Park. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Beautiful pictures of cold, snow, winter!

    BTW, who does Sioux Falls sue if the falls at Sioux Falls fails to fall? Say that real fast three times.

  6. seeing a frozen waterfall illustrates further what a frigid winter we are all enduring!

  7. Wonderful! These photos give you a small payoff from enduring a tough winter.

  8. Greetings again! I had a question about your comment. Were you talking about Palm Beach, Florida or Palm Springs, California? I don't think we have a Palm Springs here in Florida but I could be wrong. That's happened a couple of times in my life! :)

  9. Wonderful images. When waterfalls freeze, you know it's cold!

  10. My father-in-law was stationed in Sioux Falls for quite a stretch during WW II, so long in fact that my mother-in-law went out and joined him there—through a winter. Any time the topic came up decades later, all they could talk about was how cold it was. Oh, and the landlord-couple they became friendly with and visited frequently afterwards...after they moved to Florida.
