Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Walkways Inside and Out


  1. These walkways are wonderful in the cold country. I remember years back when Minneapolis built their first one. It was a great help for people shopping downtown in the winter!

    1. Now one can walk all over downtown Minneapolis using walkways. They are terrific in both winter cold and summer heat.

  2. I really like the perspective and composition in the first picture. Nicely done!

    1. I was mostly drawn to the perspective of converging lines. That's not the same walkway in the two photos.

  3. I quite like walkways: the are usually good for photography, both as a subject and as a perch!

  4. I like both shots but the top one is my favorite. I bet you could take some nice night shots from up there.

  5. I am like a little girl when I get the chance to use an elected walkway connecting two buildings. I like the feeling of the never ending corridor in the first one, too.

  6. I like the photography, but I am not so enamored of second floor elevated walkways. Hartford put many of them in in the 1970s, to help workers race from parking garages to office buildings without passing the retail spaces on the first floors. Very quickly, the retail stores closed from a lack of traffic. Too late, the elevated walkways were removed, but it was too late. They had helped to turn the downtown into a ghost town.
