Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall: Leaves Turning, School Open


  1. Greetings, my friend! Nice to hear from you. I'm still on hiatus (except for an occasional post) and it's nice to do some other non-photo things for awhile. Hope all is well. Hard to believe those leaves are turning already when it's still so warm down here! But it is almost October. That's when our temps dip down into the 80s! :)

  2. Think tree leaves turn color as a result of shortening days rather than temperature. But it has been getting cool in the evenings. Still most pleasant during the day. Good to hear from you, Lowell.

  3. Time passes and the leaves are always there to remind us of this...

  4. This year I am noticing that individual trees turn color all by themselves, while their neighbors are still green. That is hard to understand.
