Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Carl Grupp Art Show Opens

My friend Carl is an outstanding artist who taught at Augustana College in Sioux Falls for over 40 years. A retrospective show of his work, 125 pieces, opened last Friday. There were perhaps 100+ people at his reception including family, friends, and many former students. People came from all over the country to be there. It was a special event for all who were there. 


  1. This show is still up in Sioux Falls at Augustana College. It was too large for one gallery so is hanging in the Art Gallery and the Center for Western Studies. If you are a follower of this blog and live close enough to see these works, be sure you won't miss it. It is amazing.

  2. I think I would like his works. He has his subjects facing forward without smiles. The ones you show here could all be self portraits, except maybe the top right in the bottom photo (which looks like Frederick Douglass).
