Sunday, August 18, 2013

Unusual Placements: Grill and Hydrant


  1. One of the most fashionable hydrants I have ever seen!

    This is a very witty combination of photos.

  2. Hothouse flowers taken to a new level.

  3. I think I would prefer to use the grill for grilling a good steak. But it's good to know I can re-purpose the grill into a flower garden. I've seen hydrants painted as little people in some communities, but this is the first one I've seen dressed. Very stylish, indeed!

    1. This is my friend's grill, bought with a "Life Time Guarantee." Apparently WalMart only guarantees them for the life of the grill, about three years. They just laughed at him and told him to buy a new grill when he went back to the store. He did buy a new grill from a local store. The old grill has be re-purposed.

  4. These are both funny! I want to know if you set these up. I especially like the second one. And NSA is listening!!!

    1. Had nothing to do with arranges these photo subjects. Just found and photographed them. If NSA is listening they may be entertained, but wasting their time and our tax money. So, Big Brother's name is NSA?

  5. Are these your creations? They make for an interesting conversation.

  6. Hahaha, wouldn't want to get to that hydrant in a hurry!!!

  7. I love the flowers taking over the grill. The hydrant one is too funny, I wonder who thought of that.

  8. The folks in your area sure have good senses of humor, Taken.

  9. After the guns also the grills, and that hydrant is very sexy. I wonder if the two are related...
