Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lloyd Turns Ninety

This is my friend Lloyd who turned ninety years of age this spring. Lloyd lives with his wife of 61 years, Maxine.  He is a retired civil engineer who donates one day a week to build Habitat For Humanity houses in our community. He first became involved with Habitat in 1993 when he joined President Jimmy Carter in building 20 homes in Americus, GA. In 1994 he was involved constructing Habitat homes on the Indian Reservation in Eagle Butte, SD, and in 1996 he helped build homes in Vac, Hungry north of Budapest. Since then he has helped construct 53 Habitat homes in Brookings, SD. Among the tasks he enjoys doing, and is very good at, include laying out and building interior walls and putting down flooring. Given his engineering background, he reads blueprints and can transfer precise measurement to the subfloor locating walls, doors, closets, and hallways. In the photos above he inspects his work on walls and installs the front door with Lynn, a retired H.S. shop teacher. 


  1. God bless him that is a good age. My dad was 96 when he passed on
    so he has still along way to go of being a dooer. ha,ha.

  2. What an uplifting description of a very good man! Has Lloyd ever considered cloning himself? We need more selfless and productive people.

  3. Heart-warming. What a fine person Lloyd is. I hope his good health continues for a long time and he can continue to contribute toward making this world a better place. He's inspirational!

    1. He is an inspiration, and my role model. At age 90 he can out work many of us on the crew, and his knowledge of construction is considerable.

  4. what a blessing Lloyd is, for his wife and our society!

  5. It is almost incredible he is still doing this, and quite well, I guess! Happy Birthday, Lloyd!

  6. What a great guy! I hope I can be as productive at that age. Thanks for sharing.

  7. You are right. Lloyd is fantastic role model. There's a lot of people that don't make it to 90 and are still able to do the things he does.

  8. It is good to see Lloyd so involved. I hope I am when I reach 90. Way to go!
