Thursday, July 4, 2013

WIndow Reflections


  1. I know people who might try to sit on that chair in the reflection. Could be me!

    Re your comment: I haven't heard from Scotty for a number of years and doubt if he's still with us. He was a great friend of Chet Atkins and they worked together on several projects. I wrote many country songs and Scotty critiqued them for me. He wanted me to move to Nashville but I was not able to do that financially, though he thought my songs had potential. I did have one album published in 1998 by Gypsy Heart Music and promoted in Europe. (I did not do the vocals). The album, "A Toast To Country," made the top 10 on the Independent Radio charts. My song, "Too Good To Be Blue," made #1 in about 6 European countries and was #10 on the Top 50 Radio charts and #1 on the Independent Radio Charts.

    Haven't done much since. Song writing is too hard for old folks! :)

  2. Like reflections.

  3. I like the second one very much : this chair is really tempting, I understand the need for the sign... ;)

  4. I agree: the sign on the chair is usefull!:o)
    Great finds today!

  5. Don't sit on the chair? What the heck are chairs for if you can't sit on them?

  6. I remember a time when I would have loved zebra striped furniture. On reflection, the chair would look great in the sunroom.

  7. I love the car reflection. It is amazing, simple but captures your attention.

  8. I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, pleasant and valued. This is an award with a purpose. It is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers to recognize their blog and encourage them to continue blogging. To learn more please visit my blog: . I do so hope you will accept this nomination!

    1. How kind of you. I note that you recognized 11 blogs yesterday, and I also follow several of them. I'm really honored to be included in that list. Thank you.
