Monday, July 22, 2013

Dr. John and The Night Trippers

The Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues Society sponsors JazzFest, a three day free music festival. Dr. John, legendary Cajan rock musician played the first night. Saturday night's featured act is Sheryl Crow. Weather was perfect for an evening of music in the park. 


  1. Wow... great line-up. Appears you were very close to the stage. Would love to see/hear Dr. John.

    1. He did a great show playing piano, electric keyboard, and guitar. Of course his vocals are wonderful. Fortunately I was able to walk right up to the stage among a friendly crowd dancing and enjoying the music.

  2. I don't know Dr. John, but musically, I'm pretty much out of the loop these days. Do know Sheryl Crow, though. Big-name stuff. Lots of fun, I'm sure!

  3. Would loved to have seen the Dr. John show. He's quite the entertainer. Sheryl Crow= best lips in rock!

  4. Dr. John and Sheryl Crow? That is an impressive lineup. Hartford just completed a jazz festival, but none of the performers were big names.

  5. Cool-love Dr. John. Nice pics!
