Monday, June 17, 2013

Interstate 90 Rest Stop


  1. Wow! That gives new meaning to the "middle of nowhere." I remember a little rest stop in northern New Mexico...nothing around for miles and miles.

    Re your comment: I don't wear white belts anymore but if you ever watch golf, you'll note the young bucks these days dress in crazy colored clothing and white belts are common. I think a lot of those clothes are ugly. :)

  2. Long haul truckers. Quite a life on the road.

  3. Not a tree, a shrub or even a rock on that broad horizon. Seems a bit odd to these eyes now.

    1. Yes, that is the view across the prairie grass lands. No trees and nothing the break the view to the horizon in all directions.

  4. Replies
    1. That's why they call this part of the U.S. the Great Plains which extend from Ohio to Colorado going east to west, and from Texas into Canada going north to south. This is South Dakota, but it doesn't get really flat until North Dakota.

  5. Now that is open space. I know being a truck driver is hard with long hours, and you are away from home but the country you must have seen!

  6. I like the color of that green truck. Now, if I just had a dress that color!

  7. At first it looked like Nebraska. :)

  8. Truly wide open space. Thanks for sharing your view.
