Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Crazy Horse Statue, Black Hills, SD

Korczak Ziolkowski's plaster model for the carving of Crazy Horse Mountain. It is the largest carved statue in the world. Just the 60 foot high face of Crazy Horse is large enough to hold the entire carving of Mount Rushmore.

Here is the statue and mountain seen from about one mile away. The first blast beginning this carving was in 1948. Work continues by seven of Korczak's ten children who have become skilled carvers. 


  1. That's amazing. I wonder how long it will take to finish.

  2. Such a long process and a labor of love.

  3. It's nuts! Why carve mountains? They are lovely without men trying to blast them into something they are NOT. And this "labor of love" prevents the family from having to actually get jobs while at the same time it brings them quite a lovely income.

    1. Well then why do girls put on make up and make them an image that they are not...We carve mountains and you keep wearing make uo

  4. I like these pictures. I've read about this project for many years, and it's nice to see how the sculpture is progressing. It's nice to see the plaster model along with the actual sculpture. Nice work.

  5. I have never heard of this sculpture and am very glad to have found your blog. What an amazing project
