Saturday, June 15, 2013

Black Hills Bison Far and Near


  1. That bison is SO COOL! One of my neighbours nearly bought some from the only bison dealer downunder just so he could sit up on his verandah and watch all the people going by and doing a double take!!! Have a great weekend!

    1. They are not an easy animal to have around as they are so big, powerful, and unpredictable. They are not like cattle. While there are some around, they cause people to stop and look here as well.

  2. Magnificent vista provided by that first shot. Bison are such grandiose critters...massive and kind of ugly but with a certain charm. I really like them. The Villages just south of Ocala had a whole herd of them but I haven't seen them lately.

    1. There are two bison in that vista photo on the far field above the pine trees. Must enlarge picture to see them. One needs high, strong fences to hold bison. They just walk through regular barbwire fences.

  3. I've read that bisons can be quite aggressive. We're you zooming or were you that close?

    1. I was close to the bison in the bottom picture, but was in my car so I could move quickly if he became aggressive. They run 40 mph, and can be unpredictable. Must always be safe around them.
