Monday, May 27, 2013

Prairie Chicken and Prairie Hills on Custer Park's Wildlife Loop


  1. Wide-open country. Have you eated prairie chicken? I like that orange light in the second that the color of the earth made more so by the sun?

    Re the break: Just needed to step back, take a breath, do some other things. But I am posting occasionally on the L&L Photography blog. (

    1. Prairie Chicken may well be an endangered species, so no, I've never eaten one. Believe they were introduced recently in Custer State Park which is protected from people and has a perfect environment for them living with buffalos herds.

      This is the natural color of the earth augmented by sunset light. And yes, I've got L&L Photography bookmarked.

  2. Oh boy, do I need a break! You know all about L & L Photography! :))

  3. I like your pairing today. Similar hillsides, but the subdued natural tones on top and the livelier and brighter tones below.
