Saturday, May 4, 2013

Around Road Town, Tortola Island, BVI


  1. I think the guy in the second photo is suspicous of you taking a photo of him and his date - hope he doesn't see this!

    1. Perhaps his wife would object. I thought it interesting that his shorts are the same color as the woman's shirt down the bar.

  2. I like that truck/jeep thingy. Looks like a fun place to relax and wear your shorts. Just don't get your shorts in a knot! :)

    BTW, I checked out the dinner place...supposedly, they make fresh food daily and you call in and order and then come pick it up. They freeze their stuff after they make it. We're going to try it some afternoon when we're out and don't feel like coming home to cook! :) I'll let you know what it tastes like.

    Evidently a number of people from Stone Creek (where we used to live) have utilized this service and the reviews have been positive.

  3. I like the "Zebra" ;-)
    Happy Sunday!
