Sunday, April 21, 2013

Virgin Island Iguanas


  1. They would scare me a little...

    Loved your "noodle" comment on my blog. Made me laugh. :)

    1. Iguanas just look scary. They are mostly docile unless someone tries to grab them. Left alone they just go on their way.

      Glad my smart aleck comment didn't offend. I was serious about liking your photos.

  2. It would be cool to see these guys tearing around. Nice shots of things we don't see here.

  3. Amazing creatures, but not very nice...

  4. We had just moved into a condo in the Ft. Lauderdale area many years ago when we went for a walk along a canal across from our unit. As we strolled along, all of a sudden, with a rush of activity, two iguanas flew out of the bushes and ran in front of us toward the water.

    Scared me to death. I had never seen one before and didn't know what it was!

    Now the darn things are all over that part of Florida. At one time our daughter had over 15 on her property just west of Ft. Lauderdale! And some are as long as 5 or 6 feet! And they bite!

    1. They can bite, but only if bothered. Mostly they are not aggressive, but they do look a bit like a dinosaur so they can be scary. I believe they are caught for food in Mexico and parts of the Caribbean. Understand they taste just like chicken.
