Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Open Water and Walgreen Signs


  1. Strange that the water safety sign is so bland and the street sign is so illuminated! Great contrast!

  2. sorry about the linky - I thought I had everything set for autoposting....

    I think the colours of the Walgreens sign should be reversed, should they not?! I do like the old fashioned font.

  3. i wish the water safety sign is much bigger.

  4. Walgreens looks different in your neck of the's always bright red here (and on every street corner). The open water sign is quite understated for a danger sign.

  5. The "Danger: Open Water" sign is posted at the shore of a lake where ice fishers drive their pickup trucks out onto the frozen lake surface. On this particular lake there is an aeration system to keep a part of the lake ice free so that fish receive necessary oxygen. Amazing what people will do for "fun."

    I just liked the old look of that Walgreen Drug sign. The sign most likely dates back to the 1950s or earlier.
