Sunday, April 7, 2013

Harbor and Dock Side


  1. We were there just last year. A fun place! Enjoy!

    1. Got back about ten days ago. Almost have my feet on the ground.

  2. Boy you do get around! Love the boats as you know. Looks like you were actually on one these yachts. Did you get out to do some sailing? If so, I'm looking forward to some great pictures.

    1. Spent two weeks sailing around the Virgin Islands in a 45' Hunter. Had a great time and managed not to sink the boat.

  3. Aha! I had to scroll down to figure out where you were - obviously not in North Dakota! Such a gorgeous place. I love boats and water - guess that's one reason I'm in Florida.

    Re your comment on Ocala: I don't know about how true the claim is - but so far as breeding and training race horses, we do a lot of that...there are literally hundreds of horse farms in and around Ocala. Of course we have a lot of horses asses, too. Most of them are in politics. :)

  4. Replies
    1. We did get to see some amazing yachts, but I think you have documented larger ones.
