Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Psychic Reader and Waste Away


  1. Hmmm. Interesting that you placed these photos in the same post. :)

  2. An interesting pairing - the waste and the burning of the unwanted? The face and fingers are a clever symbol!

  3. I will assume that with the first one, the placement of the fingers was no accident :)

  4. are you trying to tell us something by the juxtaposition of these signs :)

  5. good name for the dumpster company!

  6. I wonder if there's more of a connection between these two than meets the eye?

  7. Looks like I'm not the only one trying to figure out whether or not there's a connection between the photos! So ... did you have a psychic reading???

  8. Psychics are a waste of money.

  9. I love reading the comments! I agree, "Waste Away" is a great name for a garbage company. As far as psychics go, most are fake, but there ARE a few good ones! :)

  10. Just for fun, a friend and I went to see the psychic calling herself The Blue Lady at San Antonio's La Villita. (Had to be 25 years ago.) As we entered she asked if either of us knew anyone named Andy. When I told her I did, she said I would be saying his name much more frequently in the future. Within days, I learned he (my cousin Andy) was moving from Chicago to Texas, 5 miles away from my home. Kinda made me believe there might be something to some psychics sometimes.
