Monday, December 17, 2012

Star Hydrant and Hydrant Phone Booth


  1. Clever line-up in the first photo. Most people would not have seen that.

  2. The first photo id excellent, very well seen, but I like the second too.

    1. Thank you Karl. Been thinking about hydrants for some time now, and shoot one when I find a good one.

  3. The first image reminds me somewhat of a picture I am going to post tomorrow... The second one is so British/American!

    1. I will definitely check out your post tomorrow. That oh so British hydrant was on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, an unlikely place to find this shot.

  4. Uii.

    Sorry, the chief hydrantologist (eheemm) was a litte bit busy this week so her comments are late.

    Like John and Karl have already mentioned: nice idea to use this perspective through the star. And the photo shows how it is: US hydrants are multicolored - unlike the German ones for example.
    The British style hydrant is monocolored, too. It looks a little bit like decoration. Does it work? Does the phone booth have a working phone?
    Questions over questions ;-)

  5. I saw the star and the unusual colored hydrant in a small Oklahoma town were we stopped for lunch. Had to put the two together.

    Both red hydrant and British phone booth are completely functional. There is a working telephone in it, and I'm sure the hydrant works, although I didn't actually see it turned on. This was on the campus of the University of Oklahoma along side their impressive art museum.

    Hope you have been busy with good activities like buying Christmas presents, stocking the pantry for parties, and going to parties. Merry Christmas to you.
