Saturday, December 22, 2012

Casa Rio on the River Walk, San Antonio


  1. I've heard so much about this river walk that I do hope I get to visit it myself one day!

  2. We love San Antonio. Is must be amazing this week!

  3. I think you've been out wandering! We lived in Texas for over 10 years and visited the Riverwalk on several occasions. It was always a good time.

  4. Thank you for your comments EG, Birdman, and Lowell. Oh yes, the San Antonio River Walk is great fun. Many places for good food and drink while viewing the passing parade. Christmas time is fun here.

  5. I love San Antonio. I'll be attending a convention there in March.

  6. I love night shots. Probably because I can't get them to work - so I admire anyone who can! Merry Xmas!!

    1. My main problem with night shots is being out and about after dark. My eyes slam shut in the evening. Night photos aren't difficult. Use a slow shutter speed, a steady camera, and a high ISO. All the rest is like any other photo, it's all in what you see. Merry Christmas, Red...

  7. Nice shots!
    These shots bring back recent memories. My wife and I had dinner at Casa Rio last month. I think I see the table where we sat. We wanted to try the German place next door but we ran out of time.
