Sunday, November 4, 2012

Treed Raccoon and Ring Tailed Lemurs


  1. Raccoons did not invade my corn this year. That's all I'' say about these ring-tailed varmints. Out, out, out...

  2.'re still at the zoo, right? I love that ring-tailed lemur thing! When we lived in South Florida I saw lots of racoons. I know we have them here, but I never see them. Just coyotes!

  3. I've had treed raccoons in my backyard before! They liked to torment my cat through the windows.

  4. Birdman has a point. We lived in Pennsylvania back in the mid-70s and our house had big stairs in the back leading to the kitchen. We'd put our garbage cans out on the porch at the top of the stairs. Those damn racoons would climb all the way up the stairs, wrestle the lids off and strew garbage everywhere, even in the middle of winter when the steps with covered with snow. I'd chase them off but they sometimes would not want to leave and would bare their teeth. Ugh!

  5. The Ring Tailed Lemurs are cute!

  6. Lovely creatures but only found here in zoos
