Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jack Rabbit Mascot at Tailgate Party


  1. i come here for the stories you tell.
    thank you very much.


    1. Thank you, Robert. Check back as there is more to come about this story.

  2. High School or college football?

    1. Hi Ed. This is the South Dakota State Univ tailgate party just before the BIG game with their in-state rivals, USD. The school mascot is the Jack Rabbit, no matter how odd that sounds.

    2. College football is great at any level. I hope your team won!

    3. Ed, SDSU did win that game last week 38-8. The rival USD Coyotes defense scored a touchdown plus 2 pt conversion in the 4th quarter for their only score of the game.

      SDSU also beat Easter Illinois University today 58-10 in a playoff game. Next week they play North Dakota State in a second playoff game.

  3. So, if someone did not know anything of the school mascot, you'd say he didn't know jack? :-)

    I've never been to a tailgate party. But from what I've seen, I don't think I've missed much. Or have I?

    1. Not sure other universities do this, but the tailgate party in the "back yard" behind the stadium where all football fans, students, towns people, organizations, corporations, and families hosts a lunch/beer for anyone and everyone. Each of these rents a small lot in the back yard. It is all about good times, friends, fellowship, school spirit, and looking forward to the football game. The University specifies when the back yard opens. It always closes 30 minutes before game time. Pick your favorite university and give it a try. You might even go to the game, if you want.

  4. Who says Americans aren't cultured?! Proof positive.

    1. Do I detect a note of cynicism? These party goers like to drink beer, eat, celebrate, show their colors, and support the team. Technically it is a kind of "culture." But it isn't "cultured" in the sense of high culture.

    2. That good-time American culture and exuberance seems to be admired and imitated the world over...even cheerleaders in China.

    3. Lived in China for six months years ago, but have never seen anything like cheerleaders entertaining stranded passengers. Doesn't come as a surprise though. These tailgate parties, attended by thousands, are exuberant events. I tried to catch that in these pictures. A few students drink too much, but I've never seen any really bad behavior.

    4. Ni hao ma! Where and why were you in China ( if I may be so nosey)?

  5. How funny! Oregon/OSU are having their "civil war" this afternoon...Oregon is "the Ducks" and OSU is "Beavers", so I shouldn't be laughing at Jack Rabbits now should I?

    1. So Sallie, are you an Oregon State fan, or an Oregon fan? Who won the game?

      At one point in the season the Jack Rabbits play the Penguins, speaking of odd mascot images.
