Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Flat and Curved Roofs


  1. I was just reading Greg Palast's last book on Vultures, etc., and the oil companies get a pretty bad rap, especially Amoco and BP and, well, all of them!

    I like that old barn? Or not a barn?

    1. Lowell your guess is as good as mine about the use of that quonset shaped building. It looked almost industrial, but I think someone was living there. There was a surprising amount of firewood stacked near it, so they must heat the place with wood.

  2. I was surprised to see the brick work on the second photo. It looks like a converted barn to me.

  3. i dont know why but i like so much pictures of gas stations

  4. A quite unusual barn-like structure!

  5. These are quite interesting. Have you ever seen a Dickey roof? Roofing companies in Hawaii install them quite a bit. They have an interesting structure. You should check it out.

  6. I believe that roofs vary in shapes, sizes, materials used or maybe from the time of age that they were made but, regardless of whatever era the roof originated, the perfect roof is the one that can withstand any weather.
