Thursday, November 8, 2012

Building and Sponge Bob Reflection


  1. Cute! My grandkids love Spongebob.

  2. Nice reflection. I don't know much about Spongebob except that some religious nuts think he's a model for homosexuality and thus should be banned. :-)

  3. Nice photos, - great reflections!

  4. I'm so silly, sometime... I've been looking at the firt picture several seconds, asking myself : "Bob l'éponge ? Really ? Where is that darn cartoon character ?" and then I start rolling the post to input a comment, to ask why Sponge Bob... And discovered AT LAST the second picture... So silly of me ! But I like the sponge bob reflection, though ! That is really a nice one ! ;)

  5. I like the old bricks in the top shot and Spongebob put a smile on my face. I'm glad that you enjoy Weekend Reflections, it's a pleasure to host it. :-)

  6. I'd say the building and Sponge Bob have a lot in common, in shape, texture and intelligence.
