Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Touchdown Jesus and Happy 100 Years


  1. What in the world does "Touchdown Jesus" mean? That as crazy as stuff you'd find in Ocala! :-)

    Re your TSX experience. I just traded my 2008 RL (which I bought used!) for a 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe (which I bought from Acura!).

    One reason for that was gas mileage. The RL wasn't terrible but it also took high test gas. You made a good decision with the VW. That is some super gas mileage!

    1. One reason I choose the VW was that I have other sporty cars in my garage, and the TSX is a sports sedan. While it is a 4-door car, it duplicates the performance of my other vehicles. I wanted something different, and I'm most happy with my choice. Hyundai builds excellent cars. I'm sure you will enjoy the Santa Fe.

      The original "Touchdown Jesus" is at Noter Dame University, but we have a Lutheran church at the end of Main Avenue that has a 2+ story high Jesus mural with his hand up. Locals have started referring to it as "Touchdown Jesus."

  2. not sure I am getting the reason for this, but any parade is fun.

  3. Actually, that's kind of funny!

    1. It is humorous as the first float was done by a Lutheran Church and the second was the local gay pride group, note the "rainbow" colors in float and flag.

  4. I don't get this either. You probably have to know football.?

  5. I'd love to ride on a float, never have.

    1. I did once, long ago. I had a raisin costume and sat in a bowl of cereal with other "raisins" while playing "When the Saints Go Marching In" on a kazoo. Very silly.
