Friday, October 26, 2012

Silos and Well Head


  1. A real feeling of stark grandeur and isolation here.

    Re your comment about The Villages: It was all started about 30 years ago by a family named Schwartz. Along the way the old man died and his son-in-law by name of Morse took over.

    They own and operate the whole shebang. It's now spread over a huge area...probably ten miles long and at least that many miles wide. There are three "hometowns," over 80,000 people, 35,000 plus homes, and god knows how many golf carts. It is designed as a golf cart community. It's also for persons 55+.

    It is a Disneyland for adults. And it's worked out well for the Morse family as they have enough political power they can demand special variances and they have a way of using public money to build The Villages - very clever. They are also strong Republicans and give lots of support to our fascist governor who is doing everything he can to stop people from voting, to stop people from getting their rightful Medicare/Medicaid benefits, to stop people from collecting their rightful unemployment insurance. He's destroying our public schools, wrecking our economy and trying to privatize everything in sight.

    So, I don't much like the people who run The Villages, but that doesn't matter as the place is still growing by leaps and bounds. It's huge, harrried, hectic and crazy. We love to visit but can't wait to leave. :-)

  2. Silos standing tall, alone, can be pretty sad.

  3. Very nice in monochrome. It suits the subjects well.

  4. I agree, - this is beautiful scenes!

  5. Dá uma impressão de que voltamos no tempo. Belo clique, um abraço!

    O mirante da imagem

  6. These photos are of a way of life foreign to me - huge empty spaces with tall metallic items scattered about. Evocative.
