Monday, October 1, 2012

Nick's Hamburgers


  1. You don't comment on this place, so I'm wondering if the hamburgers are any good? But, I wouldn't know a good one from a bad one anymore 'cause I've not eaten beef in years and Lois Anne is a vegetarian! :-)

    1. As a vegetarian I'm sure you would never eat one of these burgers as they are cooking in about an inch of liquid grease. If one doesn't look at the grill, they taste wonderful. The burgers are small so most people order two at a time. Years ago the NY Times ranked Nick's among the 100 best burger places in America, and it has received many awards since. I don't eat here often, but always enjoy it. Nick's is a Brookings tradition dating back to 1929.

  2. I am absolutely sure I would like this place!

    1. There is usually a big crowd around lunch time. They don't stay open for dinner. I'm sure you would like the food. I'd willingly trade you for local food from your town.

  3. I've never seen an Hamburger shop like this... I like it!!!

  4. Love the nostalgic feel to this place -- I bet the burgers are awesome!
