Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minimum Maintenance and Corn Farm


  1. Miniumum Maintainence - never seen a sign like that before - it was the kind of garden I wanted when I had a house.

    1. Yes, all my gardens have been Minimum Maintenance, but they did produce vegetables. The sign just means that the County is not responsible for you if you have an accident on this lack of road.

  2. If I use my old computer I can say nice things.

  3. That's how we live our whole life actually (as far as our house/yard goes)...there's quite a bit of personal maintenance going on these days sadly ;>)

  4. Love this one! Lots of ways to interpret it.

  5. oh, that is not how I took it - I thought it was maybe a 'back to nature' type of farm. Maybe whatever decides to grow is what is reaped!

  6. What strange signage. What does it me?

  7. I agree with RedPat...great find and lots of ways to interpret it. A slice of Americana and a warning if ever there was one. If you love something, you've gotta take care of it. Sadly, there currently seems to be a growing movement away from love and taking care. Oops...perhaps I've said too much.

    1. Technically these are public roads, but the county does nothing to maintain them, and many are not really roads at all, just dirt trails. One of the functions of the sign is to avoid any liability for the county. But this sign could be posted many places and apply to many things.

  8. I have never seen one of these signs. The best we have here is "En of State Maintenance." Love the fields. So rural looking. genie
