Sunday, September 16, 2012

N Avenue and Low Water


  1. I got a chuckle out of this paring this morning. I could imagine someone anxious to do some canoeing and following the signs above only to discover the river below. How disappointing that would be!

    1. That sign points to this river about one mile away. Years ago we made a four hour canoe trip down this river in less than two hours since the current was running high and there were a number of small rapids. Didn't have to work very hard that day. Now it would be a long walk.

  2. Can you canoe on that lil' river?

    1. This "lil' river" is the Iowa River, one of the primer canoeing and kayaking rivers in the Midwest. The low water is a consequence of this summer's drought, the worst, according to locals, since some time in the 1950s. Crop yields will be poor.

  3. Looks like our farm ponds -- I hope we get some rain soon!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best and nice to meet you! :)

    1. Hi Nancy. I bookmarked your blog months ago, and check it from time to time. You do a great job with it. Thank you for allowing many of us to re-post some of our photographic efforts. I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

  4. our rivers are running low right now too...

  5. We've been hit pretty hard with the drought this year as well. Our pond is more of a puddle at the moment.
