Sunday, August 5, 2012

Disc Golf Hole and Goal

Just over a week ago I posted some frisbee golf signs. Several people responded that they had never heard of this sport and wondered what a hole might look like, so I've posted these photos to answer that question. I know of at least three disk golf courses around here. One each in a state and city park, and a third on the university campus. Players come with a bag full of different frisbees. Like golf, there are drivers for long distance, short distance discs for accuracy, and putters to get into the basket. 


  1. Ok, Editorial comment here. I don't get this game. I first saw a course outside the Rose Bowl in '76. Didn't then... still don't. hahaha

  2. It is a way of providing structure and regimentation to the free flowing pleasure of throwing a frisbee. Frisbees are great fun. Not sure about disk golf.

  3. We have a disc golf course here, also. It does nothing for me. But obviously a lot of people like it. It's kind of funny watching people throw those disc around trees in the woods!

    But it ain't golf!

  4. I am familier with the frisbee golf for the Wii fit but never seen or even heard of one of these courses in my area.

  5. Rita, you crack me up, been playing on the Wii long? Frisbee golf is a great game for the whole family. It gets us outside to walk in semi nature park. We get fresh air, a little exercise, the boys (5 & 6 respectively) learn to throw a frisbee. We all have a fun time.

  6. Rita, you crack me up, been playing on the Wii long? Frisbee golf is a great game for the whole family. It gets us outside to walk in semi nature park. We get fresh air, a little exercise, the boys (5 & 6 respectively) learn to throw a frisbee. We all have a fun time.
