Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Over Grown and Fenced In


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mother nature does whatever she wants.

  3. Some bushes and plants will not be contained. Like some people I know.

  4. The caption fits the picture perfectly ... Made me smile!

  5. Funny, I have already seen this happening...

  6. Great pair of photos. Wouldn't a new sidewalk that curves gracefully around those trees be beautiful? And that fence around that shrub is very funny now.

  7. Hah! What a pairing. And your wavy bike racks from the previous day are also wonderful.

    Thanks for your visits to my blog. Sorry I get over here less often. It seems I can barely stay above water in the blogging world. There is a real tension about how much time I can or want to devote to staring at a computer screen instead of living life. But, when I get over here, I have enjoyed your perspective.

    And, yes, I should have pushed the cart in today's photo aside, and I was aware of it when taking the photo, but I was already breaking and entering and was worried about contaminating the crime scene by moving anything.

  8. I agree with Dianne -- great caption. Have to admit that I never understood the need to fence in a shrub but I see it done occasionally around my town.
