Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jason (Sly Fox) Lee's Funeral


  1. Never a fun time. Good friend?

    1. I knew Jay since he was about 6 or 7 years of age, but I didn't see him often. He was the nephew of a good friend. A deer jumped in front of his motorcycle while he was riding on the Interstate highway. His biker friends attended with nearly 200 motorcycles.

  2. How sad. And how awful that a deer caused the accident.

    1. Around here deer have no natural predators, except Fords and Chevys, so their numbers have increased. Being out on the highways after dark is always a risk. Jay will be missed by his family and friends.

  3. That's a sad story but one that's repeated many times every year in certain areas with a lot of deer. I've not hit a deer, but have come close a few times.

    It was nice that you were able, as a friend, to memorialize his funeral and the fact that so many friends came to say goodbye!

  4. My condolences to you and your friend's family. From your pictures, it's obvious that Jason was well loved by all.

  5. My condolences to you and every one who knew Jason. I have experienced this mass support of the biker community once before and it was an amazing thing to see.

    There is a church next door to my home and back in October of 2010 our street was suddenly covered with parked motorcycles. The drivers had come to pay tribute to one of their own who had died after a long illness. There were members of the Patriot Guard and various chapters of the Christian Bikers Association (CBA) from as far away as Iowa in attendance. In fact I did several post with the photos I took that day.

    I interviewed a few of the bikers at that time and have stayed in touch with some ever since. We were recently invited to attended a rally held by the local chapter of the CBA.

  6. So sorry. I second what others have said.
