Sunday, June 17, 2012

Smoked Meat

Okay, I admit to being an omnivore. Last weekend I got together with friends to spend the day smoking a wide variety of meats in this smoker. There were ribs, chicken, beef brisket, and sirloin roasts. Those sirloin roasts were amazingly good. No fancy rubs, marinades, or sauce required for the best taste. The smoke was a mixture of hardwoods and mesquite, perfect for great flavor. Dinner that night was shared by all of us, and also included barely cooked grilled vegetables. It was a memorable meal, and will be long remembered especially when some of that meat comes out of the freezer in coming months.


  1. Do it again! Do it again! That meat was wonderful and the dinner something special.

  2. me sa che questo qui sotto te s'รจ bruciato 'n tantinello!

    1. No meat is burned during smoking as the temperature is low.
      It takes a long time to cook.

  3. Replies
    1. This is Pete's smoker. Yum is correct. Wonderful stuff. Had a BBQ sandwich for lunch today from some of the smoked sirloin. Yum.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mesquite...any applewood in there?
