Saturday, June 23, 2012

Buick Roadster


  1. Ah yes, yellow! It is the right color. This vehicle proves it.

  2. We had a 50 Chevy station wagon this color, trimmed in blood red.

    1. What is unique about this car is that Buick never made a roadster. A friend cut several feet out of the middle of a Buick convertible to build this three seater. He says it handles great and is happy at Interstate speeds.

  3. What a beauty. Love the chrome. Great images.

  4. Hi Martha and Regina. Yes, this Buick is a beautiful car. It's impressive to see.

  5. This has to be late 40s, maybe? A fellow in my high school class (1954) worked for a Buick dealer in Minneapolis. About six months before graduation, he stole a car from the dealer; drove it to school every day (parking it down the street) and around town. He was caught just before we departed high school. Obviously it was quite similar to this beauty!

    1. I think this Buick is a 1952 model, but it has been highly modified. The body has been shortened in the middle by several feet, and the motor is a Chevy 350 V-8, so the car qualifies as a "hot rod" rather than a "special interest" car. Many changes had to be made to accept the new motor and transmission, including a new steering column (Chevy). But the paint and top are original Buick colors.

      Some story about the stolen 1954 Buick. In the late 1960s a Parson College student stole a new Chevy from the dealer, parked it on the mainline of the Union Pacific RR, and waited for the express freight. The whole student body watched the spectacular crash, completely destroying the car. The kid's father wrote a check for the car, and the kid was shipped quietly out of town the next day.

  6. If I can't get a pickup, I will take an old car
