Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gyros and Droids


  1. Thanks! Now I have a taste for a gyro!

    Free droids? I want one! I want one! Wait. What's a droid again?

  2. Nick's has a striking resemblance to our former Taco Bell restaurant.

    Lots of signs captured in your second image. I was sidetracked by the Free NFL ticket and almost missed the Free Droids.

    My sign entry is here: Signs

  3. Oh Nick's, I'm hankering for a little Greek food. Gimme some.

  4. What a cool collection of signs this week. I am wondering what a “droid” is. I know there are some fancy cell phones called droids, but I cannot imagine them being free. genie

  5. It is a good thing I have just finished dinner, so am not yet hungry for a gyros!

  6. It's funny seeing it called Gyros because in Australia they call the same thing a Yeeros.

    1. Jim, that's interesting because the Australian spelling is closer to the Greek pronunciation than the American spelling.

  7. i'd love to have some gyros right now.:p

  8. I love the texture of the building

    droids always make me think of robots
    I'd like a free robot

  9. "Droid" is short for android, a human shaped robot. Perhaps they are giving away early models of R2D2 or C3PO? Much rather this than a promotion for a smart cell phone.

    Nick's Gyros serves excellent food, far better than their fast food look and prices.

    Thanks to all who have visited and left comments.
