Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sylvan Theater and Late Person


  1. Beautiful theater, funny post(er). Wonder what "late person" means. I mean it may be too late to bring back anything!

    Re your previous post. I meant to mention that I went to the Univ. of Minnesota for awhile and that campus would also become beautiful in the summer. Both days. :-)

  2. Pres. Calvin Coolidge stepped off his train to dedicate Sylvan Theater. It is the location of Spring Fling, a rock concert and dinner for students.

    In Alexander McCall Smith's novels a "late person" is dead. Seems a silly sign no matter what the meaning.

  3. Yeah, that "late person' is not going to rest easy in the grave until s/he does that last job ;>)

    Love the title of your blog and your side bar 'about me' (we are too)! Visiting from Signs and I'll come back and read some more.

  4. I will remember never to be that late person - too much responsibility, here!

  5. I'd make sure i won't be the late person.:p


  6. Yes, Alexander MCCall taught me that :late” meant dead. This is an odd sign. If it is a theatre, then why would you need X-rays or lab slips? Quite the find, though. genie

    1. Hi Genie. Great sky shots on your blog. Found this sign in a medical clinic, and it made me laugh. Thought I would share it.

  7. I guess they expect the dead to look after their own test results?!!
