Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holiday Train


  1. A few years ago the Canadian Pacific Railroad (CP) purchased the Dakota, Minnesota, and Eastern Railroad (DM&E). The CP runs a Holiday Train through Minnesota and South Dakota making hour stops in the major towns along the way. One car opens into a stage which features a rock band, and Santa circulates through the crowd wishing all the children well. People coming to this free event can bring food items for the local Food Pantry. There are trucks and people to accept food donations. For the last two years the temperature--windchill was well below zero. I felt sorry for the musicians playing instruments with bare hands.

  2. Greetings and thank you for stopping by Ocala DP!
    I'm also a retired educator and have lived in the north lands (Duluth and Minneapolis)...and I know something of bitter cold weather...

    This Holiday Train is new to me but I think it's a great idea and I'm sure a lot of kids would agree with me. Can't imagine playing any kind of instrument in below zero weather, though.

    Hope to see you again!

  3. Wow this train is so impressive, a great looking sight to see first hand.
