Friday, February 26, 2010

Day in the park

On Tuesday it snowed here in San Antonio! The last time it snowed here with any amount was back in the 1980s and people are still talking about it. The white dots in this picture is snow in the air. It never accumulated on the ground. Too warm for that, but it did snow for about half an hour or more. School events were cancelled and let out early, and didn't start until two hours late the next day just North of San Antonio. Justin and Dylan's school class was taken outside to see real snow.

Also on Tuesday we brought the boys over here and made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I handled measurement of ingredients and the oven, but they did all the mixing, egg breaking, cookie formation, and arranging on baking sheets. The cookies were excellent.

Yesterday we took them to the park. They had a great time climbing all over the play equipment there. Both of them liked the slides, and Dylan enjoyed the swing. There were other kids to play with and run around with there. Then we went next door to the library where we read them some stories, and then out to dinner at Rome Pizza. We all had a fine time, and were ready for bed when we got home.

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