Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mission Conception

Spain established a string of five missions along the San Antonio River. The Alamo is the northern most, and Mission Conception is four or five miles to the south. Spain was attempting to keep the French out of Mexico by occupying this land with both Church and military. There is still an active congregation at Mission San Jose and services every Sunday complete with mariachi music.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

WPA Cabin

In 1943 my Dad was drafted into the Army, and was sent to do basic training in a camp east of Austin, TX. My Mom, sister, and myself, not yet three years old, spent four months living in this cabin in Bastrup State Park. The cabin was constructed by the WPA in 1938, just five years before our arrival, so they were relatively new at the time. What a surprise to discover that the cabins are still here, well maintained, and still being used by Park visitors.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blue Star Brewery and Bike Rack

This bike rack at the San Antonio Public Library is one of the most interesting ones ever. If there are no bikes in it, it is sculpture. It serves both functions just fine.

The Blue Star Brewing Company is a favorite stop after an afternoon of touring. They produce an excellent dark beer and a fine raspberry limbic.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Out of bus windows

The pictures posted here for awhile will be from the past few years. This blog began late this January, but I've been taking pictures forever. Thought some of the older images might be shared on the blog. These two were taken a year ago in San Antonio from city bus windows. Selling apples on the street is an indication of hard economic times.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pelicans and Cormorants

I've been away for a few days out of Internet range in darkest Iowa, but I'm back now. Here are cormorants and pelicans for your viewing pleasure.